Sekur esCAPe Escape Hood
Sekur esCAPe Escape Hood
In the event of unexpected and sudden presence of toxic substances at workplace and anywhere, heavy damage could occur to whom who have to breath contaminated air. The immediate use of protective devices can easily assure the user breathable air, provided the oxygen level in the environment is enough. The sooner is the donning of the device, the lesser the damage for the user will be.
Sèkur esCAPe is an escape device with filter that protects respiratory organs, eyes and face against hazardous substances and smoke developed in the event of fire. Sèkur esCAPe, fitted with a mouthpiece and a hood, allows a high degree isolation of the wearer in a contaminated environment.
The combined filter protects the user from P2 dusts, acrolein, HCl, HCN and carbon monoxide also in high concentrations (until 10000ppm of CO). All materials are heat and flame resistant, and grant the device a high impact resistance. The use is simple and intuitive.
This device is for a single use only.
The duration of respirator Sèkur esCAPe is 15 minutes.
• Product ready to use: 360gr
• Product with carrying case: 500gr